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Yes highness. I am happy to answer your questions below. For any other inquiry, Please contact me directly.


What is ''Fixer'' like?

A fixer is someone who offers assistance to foreign journalists, filmmakers, photographers who are trying to get a specific  story. Fixers use their local experience and contacts to smooth the way for their employers. For traveling journalists, fixers are crucial, because without a fixer, it can be very difficult to get a story or to connect with the people of a country.


What kind of services do you provide?

The services offered by a fixer are quite diverse. At a minimum, a fixer arranges transportation, accommodations, and meals, and uses local connections to track people down. Fixers also translate, or find translators who speak obscure dialects, and they work to arrange interviews and visits to various sites for their employers. If a fixer is not available, a journalist may struggle to get the information he or she needs, and journalists may be put in danger as a result of not having a cultural guide available.


What are your rate?

I basically work on flat rate (per day basis). And project size and type of the job matters. ​


Are you able to travel with us?

Absolutely. I can be your butler for 24/7 if you like.


Is a vehicle available? 

Honestly no need if its in Tokyo as all the public transportation systems are advanced. You can easily reach to the spot by train, metro..a little bit complicated though.. But if you are carrying heavy equipment with you or going to very country side, you better have a car. I will arrange a suitable one upon your request. And no worry,  my license is clean and no accident. I even hold boat license. If you want to shoot from the boat, I can assist you.


Do you book hotels for us?

Affirmative. Remember I am a hospitality field related. Let me know your Full Name, Passport #,  and requests. e.g. non-smoking, away from the elevator, as higher as possible..etc. You will pay directly to the hotel when check-in. Usually hotel in Japan accept cash and major credit card. For your information, 10 to 15 percent service charge is added to the bill in place of individual tipping at first-class hotels and high-quality ryokan, and a 5% consumption tax is imposed at all establishments.

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